Project Rescue Ocean: Waste Collection

Sixense teams collected more than 880 lbs of waste during the Project Rescue Ocean challenge


At Sixense, environmental commitment is developed on a daily basis and translated into concrete actions. In 2022, our teams took part in a waste collection challenge, organized by our holding company Soletanche Freyssinet and the Project Rescue Ocean association.

We would like to warmly thank all our employees from France, North America, and the Middle East who took part in this challenge.

This challenge was organized for all Soletanche Freyssinet entities throughout 2022. Thank you to the QSE teams for rolling out this initiative.



Focus on the Project Ocean Rescue Association

The voluntary association organizes eco-citizen actions on the beaches and inland. Its goal is simple: to raise public awareness of the state of the environment, seas, and oceans. Project Rescue Ocean is officially labeled by UNESCO World Heritage.

To learn more, visit their website