Sixense Visits Recology for Earth Day

Don’t forget: Earth Day is Monday, April 22. Originating in 1970, it is celebrated in more than 193 countries and is widely considered the world’s largest environmental movement. Serving as a powerful reminder of the responsibility each and every one of us has to protect the planet, Sixense remains deeply committed to increasing our sustainability across all our business principles and reducing our environmental impact.

This includes learning about ways to eliminate waste and discovering optimal methods for recycling, which is exactly how Sixense celebrated Earth Day 2024.


Sixense Recycling Facility Visit

Big kudos to Recology for giving our Washington team an incredibly educational tour of their recycling facility. The knowledge we acquired during our recent experience is invaluable. We are thrilled at the opportunity to incorporate these insights into our daily business practices. With this newfound knowledge, we are hopeful that we can improve our operations and achieve greater sustainability in the future.


Sixense is committed to sustainability - Recology visit

Sixense Team in Seattle Visits Recycling Facility for Earth Day 2024

Recology Gives Tour of Recycling Facility to Sixense Washington Team on Earth Day


Earth Day & Sustainability Initiatives

In addition, Sixense plans to continue to strive to integrate lean construction principles to minimize waste in our planning. By continuously analyzing our construction processes, we hope we are able to identify areas where we can improve, reduce waste, and become more environmentally friendly.

No matter how you spin it, there’s no Planet B. Every action counts, so let’s continue working together towards a greener planet for generations to come.

To learn more about how Sixense supports environmental protection and our core values, click here:


What is Recology’s Mission?

The Recology mission represents a fundamental shift from traditional waste management to resource recovery. They seek to eliminate waste by developing and discovering sustainable resource recovery practices that can be implemented globally. Learn more about their vision by visiting their website: