An innovation from the academic field and the world of oil & gas, Sissterra is a non-destructive, easy-to-deploy solution allowing 3D visualization of subsoils to:

  • Consolidate the geological model: manage associated risks
  • Optimize the progress of underground works: anticipate and adjust construction methods
  • Optimize the costs of soil improvement work: delimitation of areas to be treated and assessment of treatments


A Solution for 3D Underground Imaging in Restricted Environments

Sissterra is a unique passive seismic solution using ambient noise generated by human activity to image the subsoil and monitor dynamic changes beneath the surface. It ensures:

  • Optimization of surface and underground work
  • Protection of the safety of property and persons
  • Facilitation of decision-making

Sissterra reduces the number of boreholes and avoids active seismic sources – a real advantage when conducting investigations in dense and difficult-to-access areas.

Sissterra by SIXENSE
Sissterra 3D rendering

A Comprehensive Geological Model

The interesting innovation provided by Sissterra lies in its passive technique and its speed of implementation on specific points. Using Sissterra gave us a better vision of the geology and allowed us to adjust our assumptions and therefore our excavation parameters. This successfully eliminated settling in the area.


Lionel Suquet, Project Director of Line 15 T3C package Grand Paris,
VINCI Construction Grands Projets

A Single Point of Contact for the Entire Value Chain

Our experts master the entire value chain and can advise you at every stage:

  • Analysis of challenges and objectives, decisions regarding acquisition parameters
  • Data acquisition, processing, visualization (2D and 3D), and analysis of results
  • Decision support (complete diagnostics, risk assessment, and recommendations)
Sissterra 3D rendering
capteur sissterra

Operating Principle

Sissterra is based on the principle of correlation of ambient seismic noise (seismic interferometry). This ambient noise, generated by surrounding human activities for example, is captured using a dense network of autonomous geophones installed in the study area.

The large volume of data collected by these sensors, guaranteeing the technical robustness of the solution, is then transferred to our computing servers, where it goes through a series of signal processing stages. With help from the resources of VINCI Construction’s R&D unit, these steps have been optimized from both a hardware and software perspective to obtain the best quality in the shortest possible time.

As an output, the solution makes it possible to offer 3D visualization (seismic tomography) of the subsoil over a given period, as well as an ability to monitor changes to it over time (seismic monitoring) while keeping the acquisition device active.

Download the Sissterra Solution Datasheet

The initial deployment of the Sissterra® solution at the Grand Paris Express construction site has been a resounding success. This decision-making tool has helped us optimize our injection works and assess their impact, both quantitatively, through the increase in seismic speeds, and spatially, through the use of 3D visualization. Ultimately, the solution enables us to manage the safety of our property and persons much more effectively and keep control of our budget in this type of location.
Simon Robert
Development Manager - Geophysics Division