Webinar – Sissterra

Sixense and the Association of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Specialists – AGS-HK is pleased to invite you to our technical webinar – Sissterra held by Maria Saadé and Clément Mogenier, Sixense geophysics experts.

Sissterra is a turnkey solution for 3D underground imaging in restricted environments. It is a unique passive seismic solution using ambient noise generated by human activity to image the subsoil and monitor dynamic changes beneath the surface.

Join our webinar to find out more about our solution :

  • 📅 Date: 13 January 2023
  • ⌚ Time: 18:30 – 19:30 (Hong Kong Time)
  • 💻 The webinar will be conducted through Zoom. Successful applicants will be informed by email with a Zoom link to the webinar.
  • 💲 The webinar is free of charge

Registration: AGS (HK) Technical Seminar 13 January 2023 (google.com)

Please register no later than 9 January 2023. Successful applicants will receive webinar details on 10 January 2023.


Sissterra® is a 3D passive tomography solution for imaging the subsoil at high resolution. The measurements require the deployment of a network of autonomous, non-intrusive, and easy-to-deploy, seismic nodes on the surface of the study area. The network does not have to be regular and can be adapted to the area of study. Its design can be defined relative to the depth of investigation (depends on the dimensions of the network) and the lateral resolution needed (equal to the spacing between nodes) and can allow investigation of deep and shallow depths without requiring any active source such as explosives or truck-mounted vibrators.

The Rayleigh waves hidden in the noise signal are extracted by the computation of cross-correlation between each pair of receivers. This procedure multiplies the number of measurements since we consider pairs of receivers and not individual ones. Dispersion curves obtained from the cross-correlations are inverted into shear velocity variations with depths. The resulting 3D Vs model can allow the highlighting of the main geological features in the area, the different seismic horizons, and contrasts that can be interpreted as heterogeneities, weathered soil, cavities, etc.

About the speakers:

Dr. Maria Saadé is currently an Expert in Seismic methods and mainly the SISSTERRA solution for Sixense Group in Nanterre, France.

She did her PhD in Seismology, specializing in passive monitoring at Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris in 2016. She held then 2 postdocs at the university, the 1st one in the seismology team working on passive imaging and monitoring for earthquakes in Japan and the 2nd one in the planetology team working with the scientific team of the NASA InSight mission.

At Sixense, she worked on several projects, including extensions to Paris metro lines, construction sites, dams, and seismic risk analysis with different entities such as the CEA (French Alternative and Atomic Energies Agency) and EDF (Electricity of France), tunneling projects in France and Luxembourg, deep underground storage facilities in Morocco, the NEOM project in Saudi Arabia.

Mr. Clement Mogenier is currently the Senior Project Manager for Sixense Group in Lyon, France.

He received his MSc in Applied Geosciences in 2006 from Université Savoie Mont Blanc, France. He spent his whole career as an Engineering Geophysicist for Sixense Group in Europe and in Hong Kong SAR.

He has been involved in large-scale geophysical surveys for several major construction projects in France: the Eastern High-Speed railway, extensions to Paris and Lyon metro networks, Lyon-Turin Base Tunnel (TELT)… and also overseas in Africa, Western Europe, Asia, Middle East, Oceania for large infrastructures projects like the West Island and South Island Lines, the Shatin to Central Link in Hong Kong, the Nam Theun 2 dam in Lao, the Metro Tunnel Project in Melbourne, or more recently the NEOM project in Saudi Arabia.