The Port of Miami Cruise Terminal F | USA

Project summary

Location:  Miami, Florida - USA
See google map
Client:  Miami - Dade County
Period of the service:  May 2020-May 2021

Images of the project

The Port of Miami Cruise Terminal F


The construction of The Port of Miami Tunnel project broke ground in May 2010 and was completed in May 2014. The Design and Build Contractor excavated twin tunnels connecting Watson Island and Dodge Island in the City of Miami using a Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM).

At that time, Sixense was selected to monitor the buildings and surrounding structures during the tunnel construction. The Port of Miami has seven operational cruise terminals, with four more undergoing renovations or construction, including Terminal F. The estimated cost of the renovations was $170 million. This terminal will be Carnival Cruise’s third and largest Miami cruise terminal.


Monitoring System for The Port of Miami Cruise Terminal F

Sixense was selected for the second time to monitor the alignment of the twin tunnels during the renovation of the Port of Miami Terminal F at Carnival Cruise. The monitoring allowed construction to be completed safely since twin tunnels were built beneath it. Our approach was based on the use of an Automated Motorized Total Station (AMTS) system to monitor any deformations in two existing sections listed in the specifications.

Sixense installed optical/laser prisms for the AMTS monitoring to measure potential deformation with at least 5 points on the interior of the tunnel lining at the tunnel station corresponding to the building section with the greatest coverage over the tunnels. A second instrumented section was placed 100 ft. from the limits of construction in the tunnel to provide a reference baseline.

Sixense also used its data management software Geoscope, which allows ‘real-time’ data processing, digital transmission, and display of any structural movement.


Project Takeaways

In February 2023, Terminal F was finally completed as a functional, operational, and beautifully enhanced structure. Due to its innovative design, the Port of Miami Cruise Terminal F won several awards.

Sixense was thrilled to be a part of this project and demonstrate that monitoring is a mature construction technology that can help cities redevelop safely and effectively.


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Project Key figures

2 AMT (Cyclops)
2 Vibration Sensors (Syscom)
120 Prisms

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